Contrivance Database Design
The Contrivance Database is hosted in the cloud on a Microsoft SQL server distributed cluster for reliability, speed and security. Wherever you are in the world we are able to provide fast updates to your browser.
There are three main areas in the Contrivance database which allow for the assimilation of interrelated data required to accommodate Enterprise Wide risk reporting.
1. The Objective Centre
The Objective Centre captures information on different types of business unit objectives and Key Performance Indicators which are the main goal targets risk is tracked against. This system has been designed to be inline with the ideology under ISO 31000 and supports risk as defined in the Global Risk standard accepting both 'positive' and 'negative' risk.
2. The Entity Centre
It is important that different types and sources of risk are able to be assigned and owned by a functional unit in any business. The Contrivance System is able to assign risks, controls and causal factors to departments, business units, processing centres and process owners in a company.
3. The Risk Centre
The risk centre captures information about a specific risk which is then aligned to a risk taxonomy that can be configured by the risk management administrator.
The three main areas of the data repository are interlinked in the relationship database to allow for extremely rich and contextually relevant reporting.

Contrivance Database Design | Martin Davies [LINK]
It is important to note that there is no real commercial limit on the number of records that can be stored in the Contrivance database and there we are not charging for contrivance database usage or traffic.