Ten Risk Stories
About four years ago Causal Capital published a small presentation on Operational Risk titled “Op Risk Stories” that aimed to describe...
Risk Matrices Failures
The post today has been inspired from a question a client put to me only last week, let's dig out that question and then we'll deal with...
Control Operation Importance
Okay, this is just a quick one for those who attended the webinar a couple of weeks back on State Space Theory and Monte Carlo. During...
The Nature of Risk
Chit chatting with one of the technical analysts in Causal Capital just yesterday brought forward some curious ponderings on the...
QRA is Out
All very exciting, we have now finalized the QRA reading books along with the information portal. All attendees will receive a lifetime...
Fighting Cognitive Biases
So why do risk institutes and associations not publishing research or guidance on the topic? It would probably be fair to say that the...
What is Next Gen ERM
There has been some interesting feedback to the Next Gen Risk posting [LINK] from yesterday which was mostly positive (I was expecting...
Strong Risk Software Features
Over the years I have seen, used and been part of the development team for a large array of risk management software systems. It was...
Turning Risks into Results
We are pleased to announce a new bespoke Operational Risk masterclass for our in-house clients. Our new training is specially designed to...
The 2nd Tenet of Risk Management
In fear of recent indiscretions the Canadian Government brought on scientists who were muzzled from speaking about climate change;...